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CAROSA ELEGANT FURNITURE & MORE CO., LTD. Company Profile Carosa Elegant Furniture Export Division was established in year 2005, and we are a direct manufacturer of high quality modern, classic furniture and many other related products for exporting. We have been doing OEM jobs for exporters and other factories for over 25 years and we have been manufacturing furniture for a major importer & distributor “ ALEXANDRE INTERNATION CORPORATION, USA “ on OEM bases for over one and half decade. We started to develop our own designs and export worldwide directly since year 2005 and our products are including all kinds of indoor & outdoor furniture, such as : Coffee/Tea table & chair, Dining Room table & chair, Dining Car, Office Furniture, Bedroom Furniture, TV/ Audio Stand, Computer Desk, Book Shelf, Garden Furniture & many more. We devoted ourselves to upgrade our R & D capability all the time and to produce our furniture more better quality, more elegant and more comfortable for consumers. Customer’s own exclusive designs are always welcome !!
一流的人 找一流的公司 原創視覺設計已經服務過許多不同產業型態的企業,在經過整體的視覺規劃後,呈現出的新氣象與氣勢,不論是平面文宣 、企業網頁、電子商務或展示陳列,客戶皆得到更有效率的運作。 如果您想要連絡我們,請來電或來信,我們將很高興的為您做訪談。作你最堅強的堡壘 "We’re Around You."
原點科技(Blue Tang Studio) is a newly founded start-up focusing on location based service. We are building a search platform for mobile applications and web-applications. The platform is our strategic product and will enable the internal and external customers to build new location based service within few weeks. The are looking for talented and self-motivated people to join our team. 原點科技為一新創公司,公司的主力方向是在Location Based Service,目前正在開發搜尋平台中。 軟體產品(Product)與軟體專案(Project)的不同在於,假設一個Project需要五個人,再開一個專案需要再五個人;而產品,一個客戶跟一千個客戶,開發成本是相同的,獲利高但是全球競爭,只有前兩名能夠生存。 敝公司的目標正在於,建立一個雲端資料庫,提供SDK及Cloud Solution給各國的軟體公司,希望有志於軟體產品開發的人材加入。
友聖科技 IZEX-KOBI Industry Co., LTD. is a company with a strong R/D team that designs and develops professional CCTV equipment. with our efficient production facilities, we supply high quality and cost-effective CCTV products.
About Us Neatek Technology, Inc. drawing on the skills and experiences of the founder, we began to market customized single board computers and their peripherals for our first few years since 1984. In the after, Neatek made a strategic step to get closer working with system integrators and the users, with this acquisition and over one decade fields experiences, we posited as a professional bridge in between the applications and the resources
我們為專業的保險經紀人,主要營業項目為服務各企業客戶之保險需求,並以工程險、商業火險、責任險及水險為主要經營項目。我們提供完整且絕對專業的工作教育訓練,包含保險、工程、法律等三大方面專業知識,為使同仁全心於工作上努力,我們offer同仁足夠生活保障之薪資及高額績效獎金。 我們雖然為保險經紀人業,但我們經營的業務主體是產物保險,主要的客戶群是國內大型集團、中小型企業體或公司行號,我們不需要員工貢獻家族人脈或是開發下線業務員,因為我們並不經營龐氏騙局(Ponzi scheme--老鼠會)的業務組織,我們需要的是具有熱情、企圖心、肯虛心學習及願意享受工作的同仁。 We have a dream。我們能提供無限的願景及無限的可能,亦提供生活的基本保障,期待有能力逐夢及圓夢的您加入我們。
專業開發生產、設計兒童遊戲設備。各式兒童遊具如:戶外大型組合遊具、滑梯、攀爬、體能器材、成人運動器材、彈性地墊、衝擊吸收舖面等。台灣首家通過TAF認證之檢驗公司檢驗合格通過,產品符合CNS12642、12643國家標準。 Tai-Shin Entertainment Enterprise was founded in 1978, specializing in design, manufacture and sales of kids play system. With 30 years experience of manufacturing playground equipment, we provide high quality playground equipment to domestic and international clients. We are continually observing kids and their changing environment to aid in the development of new products. You are welcome to provide us your valuable suggestions or comments. If any further information is required, please feel free to contact us. Most importantly - Listening to your needs, and caring about kids. Our website: http://www.tayhsing.com.tw
Ballerina is a trading company which consists of a group of conscientious and hard-workingindividuals, each with unique expertise in their field.We provide our service with honesty and integrity to our customers.We work together closely with our customers to achieve their goals. We have twelve people in our Taipei, Taiwan office, where we control daily correspondence with our clients worldwideand factories on the mainland;shipping;finance; and the preparation of digital artwork; and twelve people in ShenZhenCity in mainland China, where we have inspectors, and highly skilled sculptors and artists.
Elsevier is the worldwide leading medical textbook/journal publisher. As the world’s leading publisher of science and health information, Elsevier serves more than 30 million scientists, students and health and information professionals worldwide. We help customers advance science and health by providing world-class information and innovative tools that help them make critical decisions, enhance productivity and improve outcomes.
本公司於1991年加入台灣環保工程的行列,十多年來對台灣的環保工程的付出與技術的提昇不餘遺力,以最專業的知識、技術,提供客戶最好的品質與最實在的服務,多年來深受本公司客戶的肯定。 安於現狀即是落伍,為能夠提昇本公司環保事業技術水準,本公司於1993年赴日本及美國考察,發現台灣環保概念與歐、美、日有著極大的落差。因此於1994年與美國SPARKLE INTERNATIONAL INC.簽訂亞洲繼日本、韓國後第三個國家的台灣獨家總代理權,美國SPARKLE WASH公司具40餘年歷史,化學藥品及環保設備更獲多國專利權、總代理亦有60餘個國家,遍佈世界各地,其對環保工程經驗的累積是領先群倫,本公司派數名技師赴美國SPARKLE WASH 總公司接受高技術層面的長期訓練,希望將其兼顧環保、安全及效率尖端科技的環保設備及精神引進國內全面推廣發展。 配合本公司業務發展需要,陸續成立台灣洗霸環保工程股份有限公司、歐克寧環境維護股份有限公司及敦瀚顧問股份有限公司等,以更專業的分工來服務我們的顧客,目前公司總人數已超過900人。We clean anything, anywhere, anytime ! 一直是我們公司努力與追求的目標,同時以重視效率、環保、安全、負責的工作態度去做好每一件事一直是我們對客戶的承諾,而本公司也期許能為台灣的環保盡一分心力
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